Sage & Smoke
The Blog
Guidance this week comes to you with the encouragement of releasing what you are clinging to so that you may transform into the next phase of your life. What are you holding on to out of fear and what...
Have you noticed repeating numbers like 111, 1111, 444, 222, 333? It’s almost like these numbers appear to be following you around. You may notice these numbers when you look at a clock, a bill, recei...
“Step into your Power” is a phrase you may have heard a few times before but what does that mean? How does one go about stepping into their power to create a life they want? These questions rattled in...
Inflammation is your body’s natural response to protect itself from harm. On the flip side, too much inflammation (known as chronic inflammation) can cause adverse reactions, leaving you feeling unw...
The power of food energy is often underestimated and viewed as an afterthought but the foods you put into your body have a major impact on energy levels and mood. Food is needed for life sustainment...
It’s about the journey, not the destination
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